About Dagny

Dagny Elizabeth Thompson was born on March 6th, 2020. She was healthy, vibrant and totally calm no matter what was going on around her. She had an incredibly expressive face and though her furrowed brow would tell you when she was unhappy, she never cried.
At 12 days old, her parents noticed that she wasn’t eating as much. Fortunately, they had a regularly scheduled pediatrician appointment that day. Their pediatrician thought she might be a little dehydrated. He sent them home and said that if they couldn’t get her to take 2.5 oz of breast milk, they should take her to the hospital for some IV fluids to prevent further dehydration. A couple hours later, her parents Chris & Elizabeth drove her to the hospital where they were assured some IV fluids would have everything back to normal. Dagny’s blood sugar was a little low so they started her on IV fluids and sugar. They wanted to monitor her overnight to ensure her appetite came back and they’d be home in the morning. In the course of the night, Dagny became very ill. Just a few hours later, they were being transported to Boston Children’s Hospital by ambulance. They arrived just minutes before Dagny’s heart failed and she was put on heart-lung bypass. The following morning, doctors informed Chris & Elizabeth that Dagny’s organs had failed and they needed to say goodbye to their beloved daughter.
No one should experience the indescribable agony of infant loss. To honor their brave, beautiful daughter, Chris and Elizabeth are committed to supporting families walking this dark road.